1.1 Futurizm provides certain services which require you to share certain information with us, which information may be considered highly confidential. For example, this may include your CV, an offer letter you have received, information about your personal life, or experiences you have had with your employer or colleagues.

1.2 We understand that it is essential for you that all such information is treated as confidential. We are committed to always keeping your information confidential and will only use your information to properly perform the Services you have purchased from us (“Purpose”).

1.3 We have put together this Confidentiality Policy to provide you with a clear overview of how we treat your information.

1.4 In this policy, “Confidential Information” means all confidential or proprietary information (however recorded or preserved) relating to you that you disclose or make available to us (in any form or medium), directly or indirectly. This includes the information given by way of examples under section 1.1.


2.1 We undertake that we will
2.1.1 keep your Confidential Information secret and confidential.
2.1.2 not use or exploit your Confidential Information in any way, except for or in connection with the Purpose; and
2.1.3 only disclose your Confidential Information by the below paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3. Any other disclosures can only be made with your prior written consent.
2.2 We may disclose your Confidential Information to any of our employees and contractors that need to know the relevant Confidential Information for the Purpose only, provided that:
2.2.1 we procure that each such person to whom the Confidential Information is disclosed complies with the obligations set out in this policy as if they were us.
2.2.2 we procure that any such person to whom disclosure is made enters into a confidentiality agreement with us on terms equivalent to those contained in this policy.
2.3 We may disclose your Confidential Information to the minimum extent required by:
2.3.1 any order of any court of competent jurisdiction or any regulatory, judicial, governmental, or similar body or taxation authority of competent jurisdiction.
2.3.2 the laws or regulations of any country to which our affairs are subject.


3.1 The obligations we have under section 2 shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, to Confidential Information which we can show to your reasonable satisfaction:
3.1.1 that it is, or becomes, generally available to the public, other than as a direct or indirect result of the information being disclosed by us in breach of this policy; or
3.1.2 was already lawfully known to us before it was disclosed by you; or
3.1.3 has been received by us from a third-party source that is not connected with you and that such source was not under any obligation of confidence in respect of that information.


4.1 Upon your request and after completion of the Services you have requested us to perform, we will immediately destroy or return to you all documents and other records of the Confidential Information that have been supplied to or generated by us.
4.2 If the Confidential Information is stored in electronic form, we shall permanently erase all such Confidential Information from our computer and communications systems and devices used by us.